Hope has the same attributes as a corpse. Something has happened to the body, but you can’t see it. Hope in your promise, is unseen but something has and is happening. You can’t quite explain WHY you feel the way you feel, nor is there typically a body of evidence backing up your gut instinct. Like fog in the morning, it hovers over you.

All the while, life is crashing into you. Very real and tangible life. Phone calls or texts that carry bad news. Bills that never seem to miss your address. Friends and family who need help. Sometimes we can wonder “where’s God?” or “when will it be my turn?” Learn more about the campaigntrisha-alicia_203ebw2_promise.

I stared at the stories in my life and the lives around me. There’s never a shortage of roadblocks. But what about the promise? I normally remember my promise late at night, early in the morning or when things feel unbearable. And truthfully, it’s not always remembered cheerfully. Because remembering what God said, in that moment, makes me even lower. “If God said this… then why…?”

Then something hit me. That explains the why. If God never said anything about me or my life, then there’s no reason for roadblocks to attempt to get me to quit. There would be no pull to higher destinations. I wouldn’t think life could be better, because I would have no concept of “better.” That is the simple story behind why #NeverForgetThePromise was built. To remind me, my family and my friends of the promises that they have. Join me and remind your family and friends (and yourself) of your promise(s). Snap or post a pic, tag #N4P and challenge a friend to do the same. We’re believers TOGETHER, so let’s remember, TOGETHER. Watch the whole promo video here.

