How A Revelation Freed My Heart To Sing Are you the sum of what you’ve gone through, or is there more to you? The dreaded questions ‘who are you? And what are you doing while you’re here?’ bait our minds into restless short nights. Since our lives are like music lines, let me ask you — How many times have you sung a song and not REALLY known what the lyrics were saying? I remember riding down the highway coming home from my second “real job” after college and singing along to a song that I learned in high school. I had a moment. The real meaning hit me! Seeing this old song in a new way, was sweet & sour. I was happy for finally “getting it” but frustrated it took me “so long.” As God started to show me what I was really on earth for, I felt like I was back on that highway. See, I knew myself. I was…

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